8. Beyond the Secret Door

The Adventures of Godrik the Magician*

Lyam Thomas Christopher
20 min readNov 8, 2023

The Sun is dipping into the west, and clouds are gathering. The adventuring party has agreed to meet up under the trees, just south of the money-changer’s guild. They have been visiting various merchant stands and taverns, re-previsioning their packs. We’ll have a waning half-moon tonight, thinks Godrik. Enough light so we can see, but not so much that we’ll be seen

Sennez is the last to arrive. The recent sale of their ancient book — stolen from Brythan’s lair — has been profitable, and the thief has exchanged the sack of gold for semi-precious gems, which he now distributes to the party: to Alexander the warrior; to Radovan the cleric; to Zeb and Feiler, the two halflings; to Godrik the magician; and to himself, the party’s ever-trusty thief.

Hmm, Sennez cannot read, thinks Godrik to himself, and his patience for philosophy is short, but I’ll be damned if each share isn’t a near-perfect calculation.

Sennez is in his element, and he’s in high spirits. He starts the conversation. “This is a pretty spot, but why’d you want to meet here, Godrik?” He gives a polite nod and a wink to a passing young lady who’s eyeing the armed party suspiciously.

“Thank you all for coming,” Godrik says quietly. “Sennez, I trust that you have the…eh, the…



Lyam Thomas Christopher

Biohacking. Enlightenment practices. Lucid dreaming. Ceremonial magic. To book a one-hour consultation, send a message.